Diversity, Inclusion, Justice,
and Equity (DIJE) Training
While organizations may hire employees from marginalized groups based on their abilities, they often struggle to retain them. The DIJE curriculum helps organizations improve retention by assisting them in creating a safer and more welcoming environment for individuals from these groups.
DIJE will assist your organization to:
Create an environment that embraces human diversity.
Establish and maintain a workforce that actively seeks to prevent discrimination, including racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and other forms of discrimination.
Hire and retain employees who are part of communities impacted by intersecting forms of oppression and discrimination.
Keynote Speaking
Dr. Aviles’ voice empowers those struggling with the impact of discrimination and health disparities. Her compassionate yet firm voice inspires those in leadership positions to help create change.
Professional Training
Gender Identity/
Gender Incongruence
Dr. Avilés has dedicated her career to supporting the biopsychosocial needs of transgender and gender-diverse individuals, considering their ethnic and cultural backgrounds as well as their exposure to trauma. Drawing on her professional experience in delivering clinical care grounded in evidence-based practices, she develops courses to help address the needs of this community.
Courses to choose from include:
Evaluation of gender dysphoria/gender incongruence.
Gender affirmation/transition: A safe approach.
Assisting the family of the transgender and gender-diverse individual: A compassionate approach.
Taking care of our transgender and gender-diverse children & youth.
Transpositive Sex Therapy Model.
Gambling Addiction
Dr. Avilés has been providing clinical trainings through the Massachusetts Council on Gaming and Health since 2014.
Trainings in this area of expertise include:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy & other Evidence-Based Treatment Modalities.
Navigating Sports Betting as a Concerned Significant Other (CSO).
Gambling and transgender and gender-diverse individuals.
Risk assessment
Dr. Avilés highlights the importance of understanding diverse needs and contexts in risk assessments.
Based on almost two decades of clinical experience addressing complex cases, Dr. Avilés teaches a compassionate approach to risk assessment that considers cultural humility and a trauma-informed lens.
Specialized training that focuses on working with those struggling with gambling and gaming addiction and with LGBTQI+ individuals is provided.
Transcending Identities offers specialized consulting services for the following entities who want to provide ethical, respectful, and inclusive services to everyone, including individuals with disabilities, those who are part of racial and ethnic minoritized groups (REMGs), transgender, gender-diverse individuals, and those with variations of sex anatomy:
Corporations & businesses
Private and non-profit institutions & organizations
Clinics & hospitals
Private practices (e.g., mental health, medical and surgical, and legal practices)
The consulting services include, but are not limited to:
An in-depth evaluation of the organization's needs.
Expert advice for a viable plan that promotes diversity, equity justice, and equity for all.
Implementation of the plan, along with follow-ups to support its execution.